Monday, October 26, 2009


Once in 8th grade I went to the doctor for an ear infection. Hey took his little flashlit looker fellow and peered into my ear and said "Oh my, yes this must be killing you." And I nodded my head puzzled and said, "Yeah, that one hurts a little too, but it's the other one that's been bothering me."

I take pride, that is to say, in not getting/feeling/being bothered by sickness. It has something to do with being the child of workaholic parents with stout western European dispositions (my mom gets sick once every two years. She takes a day or two to sleep it off and then is on her feet and getting twice as much done as your run-of-the-mill mortal).

So yesterday I started sniffling. Headachey a little, nappy a little. I slept through class this morning. I was telling a friend about this as we were walking onto campus and as I ticked off symptoms, she drifted further and further away. She thinks I have swine flu. I think I'll be over it in a day or two.

I'll keep you posted. :)


annie (the annilygreen one) said...

go to the health center before you come over tomorrow. if maren dies of the flu, hobie will be mad at you. :)

Rachel said...

Josh fully has the swine flu. He's had fevers and a cold and a cough. It's been a tough one for him (and he's a tough kid). I'm hoping he's all recovered for Halloween.

Take care of yourself.

Good Luck!

kathy w. said...

Maybe you picked it up from the student who came to our office and coughed in my face. So sorry. Feel better!

alea said...

Not too long ago, I went to the ear doctor. I mentioned that I had been having some weird discharge out of my ear. He looked in and said, "Huh. It looks like you ruptured this one." I hadn't noticed. He told me I should join the marines. But really, it just made me think that the fact that I always feel sort of iffy and achy and sick has its bonuses. For instance, anything short of death feels just a little bit worse.