1. I love the BBC. At midnight 90.1's nighttime jazz transforms magically into BBC's morning news and dissuades me from never listening to the radio again. Specifically why though: BBC reporters don't mess around. There's no dancing around propriety or serving special interests. Last week a reporter was interviewing a Russian diplomat about Georgia and asked straight up: "isn't your policy toward East Acetia (sp?) the exact opposite of what it was when you were dealing with Kosovo?" [the diplomat fumbles: "you got mad at us then for that so we changed it..."] And tonight, an anchor was interviewing the union leader for Boeing. "Boeing didn't give you the 13% pay raise you wanted, but didn't they give you a 11% raise" [The union leader changes the subject to pocket-padding executives.] "Let me read you an email from a guy in San Diego who thinks your demands are ridiculous." I love that they're allowed to pick fights just because their accent covers all traces of animosity or ill will. I wish I could do that.
2. Other People's Lives. Have you seen this film? Will you please? Set in East Germany. Though it takes full advantage of the communist color scheme (if color came in chords, it would be a minor chord, what do you call that visually? I love it. I wish my entire house was paneled in dark wood and I could wear only grey), and is not life-sucking or depressing. Very tense, almost soul-breaking for a minute, but just a very very gorgeous film
Can we talk about Germans? Like the bizarre swing from Goethe and gay Berlin to communism to Rammstein, industrial art, and trains that always run on time? Why is this sounding so familiar? Dear my German contingent: any insights?
3. Black Amethyst. Bath and Body Works won me over again. Not since junior high school have I been so excited about lotion. I love their new flavor: not as overwhelmingly sweet as Rose Sandalwood, which I was a fan of but couldn't commit to, but just as warm. I love it. Also, I met the most beautiful man I have ever seen in Park City's BBW. And by beautiful I mean I was staring at him thinking "you're gorgeous" and then he spoke and only then did I realize he was a man. Gorgeous. Erik. Totally helpful and he barbed his way into my heart. He told me he could tell I was from Provo. Ouch. Insulting people is the best way to fall them in love with you. I recognize that this steals all thunder from my post about Provo. I love the place, insult it and beware my wrath, but that's not a nice thing to say to a girl in Park City. (I like to think it was the light in my eyes...)
4. First X-country meet went very well. My runners are great and will only get better. Sunny fall Saturday morning on BYU's track. Orange slices. Not a bad way to kick off a Saturday.
This doesn't mean that I'm not still thinking about Mexico. But it was a very lovely Saturday.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Grab Bag (Another, Happier, List)
Posted by Kjerstin Evans Ballard at 11:15 PM
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1. I love the BBC too. Especially the news after the bad elevator jazz 90.1 plays at night. (Sorry if you're fan.)
2. Absolutely fabulous film. A favorite, probably. I don't know if I remotely qualify as part of any German contingent, but I'll consider.
3. I'm not sure if this is because it's almost 3 AM here or because I've been reading horribly dense and boring things ALL DAY LONG, but this was my first thought while reading (I am not making this up): "Hmm, I wonder how that scent smells. I'll have to go to the website and try it." Sorry, self, but last time I checked the internet didn't yet have synesthetic properties.
4. Good. I'm glad it was a better day. (My offer does still stand, though. I'll be expecting profane phone calls periodically.)
Phew. I'm glad your Saturday was good. The weather alone is persuasive, no? Love the film, too.
BBC is too liberal in large doses. For me, anyway.
It's so sad that you're swearometer is through the f-ing roof... When you feel guilty just think of me and hopefully you won't feel as bad. I'm glad you're not moving to mexico. I'd be sad.
nothing could be better than this year's peaches, nothing. glad you're on the up and up. thanks for spending time with me on sunday. you'rrrre great!
Once again, you steal the cute + funny = adorable award.
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