1. They want me to teach more Geography. Which supposes that I have background enough to teach Geography at all. Which is not even minutely true.
2. My 5-paragraph essay lecture flopped today. I didn't finish it. I made the kids write. They probably didn't feel succesful which means they'll never forgive me or the 5-paragraph essay which, while not the be all and end all of writing, is a damn fine beginning.
3. My internal swearometer is through the f-ing roof.
4. We have a X-country meet tomorrow. I don't know who's coming. Or if they're coming. Was that my job? To chase kids around and remind them to come to practice? Don't they want to play sports? Run? Isn't that the whole point of extra-curriculars, that I wouldn't have to get after them to participate? Aaaach.
5. We've been talking about Gilgamesh--about how the (nameless, interesting) harlot who seduces Enkidu represents civilization (they loved this one) and how there's a big hairy beast in all of us who just wants to run with the antelope and eat grass. True. On the beach.
6. I went to campus today for a poetry symposium and it was elitist and self-important and lovely. Am I really too practical for academia? Really? My perceived failures in this first couple of months of real life beg to differ. I keep scouring my brain for some super esoteric interest that I'd forgotten about which I could hole myself up in an ivory tower writing about. Hopefully that someone would pay me to write about. (Barring that, it seems like waves on a beach would be really conducive to finding an inner rhythm to write poetry to.)
7. This sucks. I tried the postitive thing and the denial thing and the buying cute stuff thing (how many times can I go the Gap in a 3-month period, really?) and it comes down to this: trying to build a new life in a hometown is gut-wrenchingly hard. They're paying me to work hard and long and a lot. And I'm not a total slacker either. I'm tired and I'm still sick and I can't express how delicious the idea of handing in an on-the-spot resignation, packing my stuff into my car and driving to the ocean sounds. Delicious. Better than this year's peaches.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Reasons why moving to Mexico is a good idea: (#1)
Posted by Kjerstin Evans Ballard at 2:54 PM
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#7...(8?) We could visit you in Mexico!
If moving to Mexico is really an option for you at this point in your life, I think it's a no-brainer. Heck, do one of those teaching English in China gigs.
But that's just your middle-aged brother talking. And I don't think you should go to China. It makes Mexico sound safe.
And Spanish is easier to learn than Chinese. If you decide to do this, count me in. I'll drop my classes and come be your roommate. Or living-in-a-cardboard-box mate, as the situation may demand. There is still that church colony thing somewhere in Mexico though, right?
Have you considered moving to Michigan? I know the weather's not so nice, but we do have beaches.
I hope things get better. You can call and swear to me any time you like, just so you know.
Aaaaah. So supportive, I'm going to cry!
(makayla--yes, Colonia Juarez but I do not think it is a good idea.)
Neither do I. I was just thinking they could feed us for a day or two until we found somewhere other than a box to stay. :P
Move to Mexico! Or start taking Vitamin B's.
I want an entire post based on internal swearing, because I think everyone does it. Does everyone do it? To what extent? What does it mean in the eternal scheme of things.
Internal swearing... is it a temptation or an action? That is my question. Because thoughts can condemn us, this is true, but how? I had a seminary teacher once say that it is not a sin to be tempted, but to act on temptation, so does this mean that we are not judged on our desires? I think not, but I'm not sure how to work it all out. Kjerstin, YOU'RE a returned missionary. Enlighten us. :D
My swearometer exploded a long, long time ago. Now I swear externally and entirely unmetered. Also, I have no such thing as an indoor voice, this makes me especially classy.
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