Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I feel an apology is due. Mostly my life is under major renovation (what? yours? no way) and things feel too unsettled to poke at them much. (This is directed less at the blogosphere than to you I've been ignoring. And by writing this sorry excuse for anything ignoring even more. Loves.)

I love the spring.

My life is great.

They're selling baby pygmy goats at a farm near my house and I want one.



Scott Morris said...

Buy it. I have no doubt that a pygmy goat will dramatically improve the quality of anyone's life. And think of all the awesome pictures you'll have to share.

Manna said...

Could you please be a little more cryptic? ;)

I second Skoticus' excellent notion. Buy the pygmy goat right away.

Katherine said...

I've been feeling similarly--regarding the unsettledness--hence my blogging drought and my general withdrawnness. Life is good but complicated, confusing. Hope things are okay.

mlh said...

I guess whether you get the goat depends on how much you like goat meat.