Friday, May 8, 2009

The most perfect day

begins rather later than not, nestled in the sectional-turned-nest in a friend's front room.
Features a light breakfast eaten on the patio which is still moist from lots of rain followed by great scripture reading (=direction, validation, reconiliation).
Involves a long long bike ride to adorable downtowns with Cheesetiques or repurposed torpedo factories and national monuments where people watching ensues (a grown woman: look! horsies!, a withered mom: no, up there, no, not that far, smile!, 8th graders racing each other up the steps). This bike ride may result in the first sunburn of the summer and deliciously achey legs.
Includes errands and a delicious cozy dinner with the great friend, and deep conversation (but not too deep because both of you are worn out from a long day).
A quick nap and reading on the couch and a shower from which you emerge entirely a new girl.
Eating snuck-in Ben and Jerry's and watching the hands-down best film you have seen in theatres for years probably (Star Trek. And I'm not a trekky. And not for naught do I abandon a successful conceit. LOVED IT).
Talking on the couch and making farmer's market plans and lemon souffle plans.

Check and check. I am entirely content. :)