Thursday, April 1, 2010

National Poetry Month! Poetry Month!

I will not post every day, but I thought I'd start today off at least. With Dickinson, if you don't mind:

He fumbles at your Soul
As Players at the Keys -
Before they drop full Music on -
He stuns you by Degrees -

Prepares your brittle nature
For the etherial Blow
By fainter Hammers - further heard -
Then nearer - Then so - slow-

Your Breath - has time to straighten -
Your Brain- to bubble cool -
Deals One - imperial Thunderbolt -
That scalps your naked soul -

When Winds hold Forests in their Paws -
The Universe - is still -


Elisa said...

I'm talking about this poem in my seminar paper! (I think.)

Wannabe said...

thanks for the poetry reminder