Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Good Will Hunting

The first time I watched this film was long ago and outside and it was edited. Last night none of those things were true and I really loved it. I want to rip it apart and point to manipulations of all sorts, but mostly it just made me want to be a better and more understanding and more brilliant person and to love more.
Specifically this: every movie should have a car scene. That scene that's filtered blue because it's dawn and everyone is quiet and looking out the window and the camera cuts from friend to friend to friend--maybe one is asleep or something--and Eliot Smith is playing in the background. Every movie should have one of these because there's something so calm about that pre-day quiet and so intimate about sharing a car together and not talking at all. And even though it's intimate, everyone is alone still. And I think that is captured really perfectly on film--the together but alone, and you don't get into anybody else's head overmuch, and the beauty of the light and quiet. And maybe instead of every movie having one so it gets to be a cliche, the movies that do have them should be awarded a medal of some sort and/or a special place on my shelf.
Death Cab gets extra points for writing a song about it.

Also: what happened to Matt Damon and Ben Affleck? Remember that Oscar's night and they cleaned up and were the hottest thing in Hollywood? They took their moms? What happened? Is this selling out? I think that Damon has done some pretty good stuff: the Bourne series was fun and he was good in Ocean's. Affleck was good as Jack Ryan, no? once? I think that all that's left for him, though, is to train his voice into resonant and stately and grow up to be Alec Baldwin--who is the only other actor I know of who compares for greasiness and for Jack Ryan-ness.
But I would've liked to believe in these kids. In young talent that does great things and grows into something greater.

Driving a red-orange car into the red-orange sunset.


David Grover said...

Affleck did have a run of crummy movies—Daredevil, Paycheck, and whathaveyou—but didn't he direct that critically acclaimed movie this summer? I didn't see it, but I heard.

Kjerstin Evans Ballard said...


David Grover said...

I think it was Gone Baby Gone?