Friday, January 11, 2008

On Carillons

Funny story: my little sister hates organ music. She thinks there's something markedly demonic about it and refuses to listen to the 8pm (or is it 9?) organ program Sundays on KBYU. I can see where she's coming from, but I think there are brilliant moments of organ ecstasy. Like that song they play in Babe, you know? Fantastic on the organ.
I, though, have similar aversion to the carillon. I think that theoretically it's a great idea--a bell tower hooked up to a keyboard?! Music ringing for miles? Could you go wrong? But instead of taking advantage of the clarity and resonance of the bells (at least here on campus this is the issue), is seems that all the numbers are these overwhelmingly baroque arrangements, the melody lost in a muddle of accompaniment. Instead of getting the cascading rush of sound (a la Mac Wilberg and that is lovely) you get mud-colored, minor, and demonic maybe. A thought.


David Grover said...

My brother swears he once heard someone playing the Tetris song on the bell tower.