Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Morning Sunshine

My body is magic. I woke up early this morning with cramps painful enough, obviously, to wake me up. I know this routine, it happens every time. So I got out of bed, found some ibuprofen in the dark (in the mesh pocket of my backpack or the change purse of my briefcase or the basket in my linen closet), lumbered half-asleep to the kitchen where I chugged some soy milk to keep the advil from eating through my stomach lining, and went back to bed. I tossed, I turned, I tried to find a comfortable position and I drift-ed-off-to-sleep. When I woke up 3 hours later, this is the magic bit, I was so happy. My muscle were all relaxed, everything was mildly rose-colored. Once the pills (which I take every 4 hours for 36) have done their work, I'm golden. Golden.


Amanda said...

I think it's weird that my first thought upon reading this was "Nothing gold can stay." Way to go, Amanda.

Also, I cannot tell you how many times I thought of you while in Germany this past week. Things that reminded me of you: Marzipan (why, I don't know-- you like that stuff, though, right?), scenic train rides, happy coincidences, and adorable European women with short hair. How do you like that?

kathy w. said...

Magic, indeed.