Monday, February 22, 2010

Wuthering Heights and Werewolves

Heathcliffe was a werewolf.


Unknown said...

I wish you would elaborate on this a bit, because I'm prone to believe Heathcliff was just suffering from Bipolar disorder. Also, sometimes people are just inordinately hairy.

Genny said...

that story saddens me

alea said...

So "team darcy" shirts exist. (but not team wickman). But maybe we should do "Team Heathcliff" vs. "Team Edgar" shirts?

Anonymous said...

The "Team Darcy" shirts that exists don't match the style of certain other "team" shirts however. I think we can still make this whole "Team Darcy" and "Team Heathcliff" thing work. The shirts just need to be black with the correct font. It's a million dollar idea I tells ya!

A. Twirl