Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Just because I'm thrilled with myself and can't keep it quiet: I ran 8 miles yesterday! Eight! I ran home from Lindon. I'm working on training for a half marathon and this was huge, not only because I ran 8 miles, but because previously I've only run 6 which shows that my little body can push itself to extremes. I suspected, but one never knows. Also, I only have to run 13 miles for the half marathon and the training schedules I have say I only need to run 11 before the race and 8 is practically there.
Last night I was exhausted and this morning my throat is a little scratchy and my hip a little out-of-joint, and also I have a small abrasion where an article of clothing was rubbing at my torso, but other than that I am alive and well. 8 miles.

Which leads me to conclusions. The triangultion is this: I'm accidentally good at school+I can run 8 miles (do hard things)=shouldn't I try for a teaching gig next year and also study for the subject test and apply for doctoral programs next winter? Perhaps this is waffling (when I talked to my mom about mt MA last week she got the same tense tone in her voice she used to try to persuade me not to cut my hair and dye it red, sigh). Perhaps also this is coming to terms with destiny. We'll see.