Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So one of the things I take secret (unless you know me) pride in is my ability to play two teams at once. In high school, just after my Ayn Rand kick and before the English Department got at me, I was this raging capitalist, for instance, but it was kind of a lovely surprise because I've was pretty liberal in (Provo) high school, and sort of a kind of hipster sort of. I like the tension of it, but really just like that sometimes it seems like my interests are varied enough to raise some eyebrows.
Like last week. I was just getting off work and was more gross-looking than usual: old muddy torn pants, a too-large Orem city t-shirt and oversized hoodie, my beat down nike sneakers, and we'd painted that day so my hands were all brown. Oh, and I wasn't wearing a bra. I went to go get a wedding card for some friends and a gift card from Borders so spent like 20 minutes traipsing around the boutiques at the Riverwoods--places where even ordinarily I would feel a little sheepish trying to inconspicuously pricecheck the letter-pressed congrats cards ($14 a piece) but that afternoon I felt positively savage.
Last night I watched Brick (which is brilliant and I'm kind of bummed I waited so long to see it) and ironed. Like my mom used to watch conference.
What is this? Obviously pride factors into this--knowing that people are watching and you throwing public opinion to the wind, bahhaah. And maybe I enjoy feeling like I'm more well-rounded than your average kid...though this is irrational. It almost seems gnostic--that I know that I'm actually fairly hip but no one else knows it because I look like I might have, like, Styx playing on the tape deck of my truck...thoughts? Do you do this too? Why?


Amanda said...

I love that feeling too, mostly because I'm not REALLY great at any one thing but pretty good at a lot of things, so in my mind I work it out so that the latter is somehow more desireable than the former...and I agree that pride probably has a lot to do with it. I mean, to a large extent I think it involves a focus on what people think of you and perhaps we shouldn't be focused on that at all, even if it is in an unusual, not so bad kind of way, right?

Personal application: In high school I was an AP student with five varsity letters, but I have this sneaking feeling in me that I'm being prideful when I think this is cool, that maybe it's just a variation on a theme of vanity.

Of course, I also believe that taking pride in accomplishment, or enjoying the out-of-placeness of a moment as you have, isn't wrong at all and is actually great, so, everything in moderation, right?

Rachel said...

It is disappointing how much people assume based on looks: it's shorthand to make quick judgments, I guess. I am guilty, too. Randy and I were at Cafe Rio the other night and bitched about the plethora of bleached-blonde, anorexic Mormon mothers and their chic husbands in $200 jeans with orange skin. But who knows! Maybe those couples are really compassionate, witty, and bright. Maybe they are consciously choosing their "look" to conceal the depth and intellect beneath, so people won't bother them at Cafe Rio with discussions French philosophy or global trade agreements. Ugh. I did it again.