Saturday, June 21, 2008

nap nap napnapnap

I just had a fantastic dream. I was in China trying to retrieve something of great value. Something of enough worth that the flight to China made sense. So I got there, found my little sister who happened to be working as a rickshaw driver in this city, and off we set, to the airport, where my thing was.
We were rickshawing, then, down this dusty country road. For some reason both of us were pulling the thing, which now that I'm awake makes less sense, but we were running along, very hot and happy, and I told her that I was surprised at how easy it was. She smiled back and agreed, "yeah, it really helps when there are two peole" at which point we hit a hill and the wind was in our faces and we were going really fast and I was sooo happy and thought, "this might be the turning point."
About this point, as I'm watching signs to the airport, I realize that I have no idea where we're going. The directions were in the email, but I only vaguely remembered how far it was or where. So we take a turn that directs us to the airport's cash office (there roadsigns for this kind of thing...and a lot of them). We go into a big open building where people are drinking Jarritos, which look fantastic, so Lissa stops to get one.
I start walking toward the office. A women in scrubs tells me something again and again, which I figure means "it's closed," and I look at the clock and it's like 5:50. My dream self panics just a touch at this point because I'm pretty sure I have to leave the next morning, so I walk closer to read the sign which I can't make out, not because it's in Chinese (I was looking for times anyway) but because I was suddenly far-sighted and had no glasses.
In defeat I walk back to the bar and take a seat next to a guy who is reclining while simultaneously giving a woman a back massage with a billy club-looking implement and giving her advice on writing creative nonfiction. She says how she's very open and loves to share her feelings. He says, very respectfully, "You should remember, ma'am, that I'm not your friend, that I'm a reader. I'm just here to visit and you have to keep me entertained."
At which point I wake up.

Mostly I wanted to record this because I spent the morning mentally railing on Provo Craft and cleaning up a pie fight that they had in the park. I had to leave an hour late on my last day because of them and I was super mad. And it was such a happy dream.

Notes: I'm just in the part of The Good Earth where Wang Lung gets a job rickshawing, so. Also, I was asleep on the couch of my almost unbearably warm living room. Also, just had talked to Amanda about creative non and her efforts there. Mostly it's weird that my subconscious felt the need to reprocesses all of that I think. :)


Jeremy said...

Maybe your subconscious is preparing materials for your blog.

Kjerstin Evans Ballard said...

It would. :)

Makayla Steiner said...

That was a very detailed dream.

Are you a believer in dreams? Like, do you think you get messages and stuff via dreams? Or do you think it really just is the subconscious processing stuff?