Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barack Obama is not the Anti-christ

For those of you who were wondering.

Also, I love this website a lot. I love that it exists. And though it may only be a sort of illusion of balanced objectivity (because who can believe that that exists anymore?) I love that illusion (I live in relative world and I am a relative girl, it's appealing certainly, but exhausting). Like my feather comforter on a cold night.


Makayla Steiner said...

Yay for sensationalism. Now that it's October 15th and I'm still not comfortable voting for anyone, I have reverted to laughing at all the completely bogus stuff said about the candidates - particularly Obama. I mean, sure, you may not agree with his politics, but thinking he's the anti-Christ? Whatever.

Michelle said...

You are a wonderful writer.

I spoke with Lundquist about a year ago. Her theory class thinks she's the anti-Christ. My executive secretary is in her class. He asked what my major was while I was waiting for a bishop's interview. He then said (I kid you not), "I hate feminism." I told him he shouldn't hate what he doesn't understand.

It turned out well cause bishop asked, "So, what should I know about you?" I said, My name is Michelle and I just got into a fight about structuralism and feminism with your executive secretary. He said, "Good. I hope you won." Not everyone is so silly.

Day said...

^^ LOL. . .

Btw, Winterberry, I'm sure you've noticed me stalking your blog for awhile now, but we have actually met. . . and I thought you were cool. . . and then, long after, my sister was in your ward. She said, "you should check out her blog. . ." and I said, "can you re-introduce me?" And she said, "just check out her blog."

so here I am. :D

and have been.

and your blog is awesome.